Please bring your insurance card, if required, and any requested forms. You will be notified prior to the screening what forms, if any, and if you are required to bring your insurance card.
We will be taking your blood pressure…A short sleeve shirt/blouse is desirable or the ability to roll up your sleeve so we can get to your upper arm. You will also need to wear the appropriate clothing if we are providing a blood draw. You will need to take off your shoes for accurate weight and height measurements.
You will be notified of the type of screening that will be provided and if fasting is required. We recommend a 9 – 12 hour fast, if fasting is required. We do perform health screenings that do not require fasting. Please review the information provided prior to the screening and remember to drink plenty of water and continue taking all medications.
We take every precaution to ensure your privacy is maintained during the screening process. Individual participant results will NOT be shared with the employer. An aggregate (combined) summary and report of all participants will be given to the employer to identify appropriate wellness programs to improve the overall health of the company’s workforce. Under a current law known as HIPAA, we will not release any identifiable, individual information without your permission. Please review the consent prior to the screening event.
“Finger Stick” health screenings results are available in 10 minutes. For “Blood Draw/Laboratory” health screenings your laboratory results will be mailed directly to you from the lab in approximately 7-10 days.